Welcome to Audi Planung GmbH

For more than a decade, Audi Planung GmbH (“APG” for short) has been the partner of choice for anyone interested in shaping the future of the automotive industry. We plan manufacturing plants and production facilities, optimise production processes and implement digitalisation projects with and on behalf of our customers in the VW Group.

Who we are

APG is more than just an automotive service provider. We are experts with a passion for planning. We use our expertise in project planning and our digital products and services in the fields of production and IT to make our customers fit for the automotive future. Always up to speed and committed to quality.

What we can do

We develop solutions. Whether planning manufacturing plants, production facilities, production processes and factory structure projects or helping to electrify and digitalise the automobile industry, you will find us wherever our customers are.

Join the team

Would you like to turn your visions into reality with us? We are always looking for new team members who share our passion.